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Will You Pass the Test of Today?

November 10, 2020 2 min read

Every day is a test.  A test of your endurance, your character and fortitude.  As your reflection in the mirror stares back at you in the morning you are provided an opportunity to render a decision... will I make today a good day?  It is more a question of resolve than fate... determination over destiny.  

Now, let’s get back to the real world where some days the glass just seems to be half empty.  Sometimes it’s as if the world has conspired to get you down and sometimes those days stack up... sometimes life is hard. 

Just when everything seems completely out-of-whack, along comes the holiday season when we are all supposed to be jubilant, appreciative and thankful.... and we’re just not feeling it.   Have you ever been there?  I’ve often written of gaining perspective, but I am thinking this year may prove to be more challenging than usual... sometimes life is hard.

We are missing so much of life by being socially distanced and it’s more than just a little thing.  Not only do I miss family birthday parties, community assemblies and social gatherings, I also miss the openness and sharing of contact with others in public settings.  I miss saying hello to others sharing a sidewalk, sparking a conversation at the park or at the store.  I miss being in a crowd at a game, listening to music or a lecture.  I miss the invigoration and inspiration that comes from an assembly of random people who are simultaneously stimulated with shared enthusiasm.  I want it back... I want it all back.

But, sometimes you don’t get what you want when you want it.  This is one of those times and we will have to adjust... the way we adjust.  Spending time with family and friends may not be like usual for you this year.  I know it won’t be for me, so I have a decision to make.  I have to answer to the reflection in the mirror... will I make today a good day?  Will I make this a holiday to remember? 

While I don’t consider myself religious I do regard myself as a person of spirit and I am determined that my spirit will pass this very difficult test.  I am prepared to adjust how I adjust.  I am ready to seek the endless opportunities to give of my time, talent and treasures to those in need.  I will celebrate the season with jubilance and abundant thankfulness for I am so very blessed.    

It takes many threads to make a suit and it will take many individual efforts to make a better tomorrow and it all starts with what you decide to do today... what promise you make to who you see in the mirror.  

Now go outside and have fun in the dirt!

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